welcome to stream dreams productions

based in atlanta, GA.

about us

man in white shirt wearing black headphones

Stream Dreams Productions is an American record label based in Atlanta, GA and was founded by Sedric Peavy (CEO) and Adrienne Muhammad (COO) in February 2020. The label recently signed, MadeInChicago, an R&B singer from the Southside of Chicago and is looking forward to signing additional acts in the near future.


MadeInChicago promo photo


Created, born and cultivated on the Southside of Chicago, MadeInChicago is a passionate singer, songwriter, music producer and the ultimate musical artist. According to his mother, ever since MadeInChicago aka "MIC" (Pronounced like "Mike"), entered the earth's atmosphere, he was singing. MIC uncovered his passion for music when he first heard "Freek'n You" by Jodeci. From that point on, he, along with his brother, Jon, started their own R&B group, got deep into vocal and music production and songwriting. After the group had its run and dismantled, MIC and Jon continued to create music. They continued as a music producing, songwriting, artist duo called The Gordon Brothers.

MIC believes that creating music provides a means to escape the many trials and tribulations life can sometimes bring and that usic has the mesmerizing power to transport us to another time and place. MIC loves to harness that power and journey along with his listeners to places where only good vibes and true feelings exist. This musically magical place is home for fellow music lovers and passionate musicians alike. MIC has found great joy and satisfaction in creating and performing music inspired by true life feelings, situations, and nature. Now, he would like to share those vibes with you. So, sit back, stand up, chill, get loose, or just do what you do while you catch a vibe with MadeInChicago.

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